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Bowie Consulting was established with a clear aim of not only assisting small business owners with their taxation requirements but to help them improve their business profits and personal wealth.


Bowie Consulting has evolved from a successful CPA Practice that by 1994 realised that the traditional services of bookkeeping and taxation provided by tax accountants to their business clients were not delivering what business clients were really in need of. Taxation services for small business are still at the core of my business but if clients seek assistance to improve their profits, cash flow and the potential sale value of their respective businesses, I have a specific process for assisting them to do this.

Small Business Owners who gain an understanding of this process inevitably find that improving their profits and cash flow really isn't that difficult.


My approach has always been to look for simple, easy, practical and powerful ways to help leverage and grow businesses and to improve the efficiency and the bottom line of those businesses which I work.

Bowie Consulting aims to provide practical business information and proven strategies that work ... GUARANTEED!


In particular, practical solutions and proven strategies on how to:

  • Improve Business Income

  • Improve Product/Service Margins

  • Reduce Costs

  • Improve Productivity

  • Improve Cash Flow

  • Improve Return on Investment

Successful business owners today, have become so, not because they have an MBA hanging off their names, but because they have an intimate knowledge of the basics of business and the basics of business (which haven’t changed for centuries), are all about common sense and logic.

It is the basic fundamentals (no secret) of increasing sales, reducing costs and improving productivity that provide great results.

The REAL QUESTION for business owners is HOW?

Whether you are a ‘One Man’ band or a company with a number of employees, this is where our Business Success  processes come into play.

Every business is different but the basics of business are the same for all.


Business owners who have adopted and monitored recommended specific business improvement processes and strategies, have seen profit improvements typically in the range of 25% to 60%.

Bowie Consulting provides services to a range of small business owners in:

  • Retail

  • Manufacturing

  • Trades

  • Hospitality

  • Professional Services


These businesses range in structure from:

  • Sole Proprietors

  • Partnerships

  • Companies & Trusts


© 2016 Bowie Consulting

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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